Practical Proverbial, from Matthew, 27 June 2024. Today’s topic: Time With the Father

To come down from a level of stress, to calm His nerves, to ease back from the furor and the tension of an intense, engrossing event, Jesus prayed in solitude to His Father.   After feeding the 5000, Jesus sends the disciples out onto a boat while He walked to a place to be alone.  Following such a large event, you or I would probably decompress in other ways.   Maybe lie by the pool or the ocean, or go for a hike, or have a drink with friends, or even just sit and watch TV.   Those can be restful things, good ways to de-stress and find rest.   Jesus?   He finds a place to be alone to pray to His Father.

Have you considered that time with the Father is restful?   I don’t know if your earthly father is still alive; mine went to heaven 27 years ago.   He and I weren’t always close, so I sometimes have ‘daddy issues;’ issues in easing up close to my heavenly Father who is God.  Yet Jesus had no problem with that.   Sure, He is the Son of the Holy Trinity, separate but also of one being with the Father and Holy Ghost.   That isn’t me.   I’m created, not begotten.  But the older I get, the more I find that quiet time with the Father is more restful than anything else.   He eases my tension; He takes away my worries.   Even when I pray to Jesus, I know the Father, too, hears me.  The Father listens.

Last week, I was in Minnesota on a fishing trip with my sons & one grandson.   We stayed in a cabin in the North Woods; we boated on border lakes; we caught fish and barbecued and played Uno and unplugged from the world.   It was extremely restful for me; I even lost track of time, which I rarely do.   But the most relaxing times of the trip were spent looking out over Kabetogama and Namakan and silently thanking the Father that He gave us this beautiful world.   We were mostly all alone there, and it was beautiful.   It was beautiful because it was time spent basking in the beauty of God the Father and all He has created.

I think that’s what Jesus was seeking:  a place to focus on the beauty of the Father, to tell Him His inmost thoughts.   It’s the only meaningful rest there is.

For more read:  Mark 6:45-52, Luke 3:21, Matthew 14:25

Father, time in Your holy presence is the best rest I know.   I crave time with You.   Thank You for letting me be there.

Published by aspiringwriterdt

It's about's about the life He gives's about going day by's about you. It's not about me.

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