Practical Proverbial, from Matthew, 23 May 2024. Today’s topic: Know-It-All

Have you ever wanted to know it all?   Only God does that, and we aren’t capable of being Him or even absorbing all He knows.   All the knowledge for time for the whole universe resides in the mind of God;  everything, going back to the reaches of eternity, if there are any.

When you follow Jesus, you tune your heart and mind into His.   Doing so will reveal, to you and through you, both ancient wisdom and new concepts.  I’m not promising you’ll become an instant-Isaac-Newton.   Instead, I’m suggesting that, in these verses today, Jesus says that we will become more and more like Him; Him, who is the owner of the house who brings out new treasures as well as old.

Now, when I write these blog posts, I usually write them from my desk in my cluttered, tchotchky-rich office.   My office is full of books, and awards, and mementos & keepsakes that I’ve accumulated over my lifetime.   It’s a semi-organized mess, and it’s sort of like my brain, which is also a semi-organized mess.  I look around and, to me, the room is full of old and new treasures; things that remind me of good (and bad) times.  I keep them because I enjoy them, but I know they are fleeting.   At some point, I’ll give them away, or throw them away.   When I leave this life, they’ll go to someone or somewhere else and leave me with only the memories.

Until then, I keep them and hope someone will ask me, “where did you get this?”   Or, “what does this mean to you?”   Then I get to tell them about it…sort of like telling other people about Jesus.   Sort of like Jesus telling His disciples and others (including you and me) deep meanings and deep things about His kingdom.   Jesus knows what heaven is like, knows what it means and feels like to stand in the presence of the Father.   He takes that knowledge out of His storeroom and shows it to us, sharing with us beautiful words so we might better understand.   And He shares with us necessary corrective words, too, so that we might adjust our course so as to not miss the narrow  path into paradise.

I don’t know it all; neither do you.   Neither did Einstein or Issac Newton or the much-ballyhooed internet or AI.   The books and things in my room here, while containing much, don’t contain nearly everything.  The one who does IS everything and He’s the only one.

For more read:  Matthew 13:52

Lord, thank You for sharing the new and old treasures that are You, my God and my Savior

Published by aspiringwriterdt

It's about's about the life He gives's about going day by's about you. It's not about me.

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