Practical Proverbial, from Matthew, 20 May 2024. Today’s topic: Gem of Joy

Building on the thought from the previous parable, here Christ shows that being in God’s kingdom – being a believer in Him – is the most valuable thing in the world.

Consider a merchant, someone who is seeking valuable things to sell for high prices.   People like that build up the skill to easily tell what is valuable and what isn’t.   In Jesus’ story, this highly-trained expert finds the most beautiful, valuable, precious rare gem he has ever seen.   For it, he’s willing to sell away even his most precious possessions because, having that rare pearl, is, to him, worth more than all those other things combined.

Now consider faith.  Honest men don’t follow Jesus because we want to sell faith and knowledge.   We follow Jesus because He is God Almighty and forgives us from our sins; because He opened up the way to the presence of God the Father so we could approach Him without fear of Him enforcing what all our petty idolatries deserve.  When we come to know Him, we come to understand that Jesus is that rare pearl; that following Him and surrendering all our possessions, hopes, dreams, sins, and everything to Him pales in comparison to simply being part of His following. 

We follow Jesus because He is the only way to get out of this one-way-death-trip alive.  Without faith in Him, there awaits eternal separation from God, meaning there is eternal separation from light, love, hope, peace, relief, and joy.   Hell, as the Bible says, is burning.   Whether it’s literal unending burning fire, or the burning fire of unquenchable emotional and spiritual pain I don’t know.   I’m satisfied knowing it’s some kind of fire that burns the soul, and I want nothing of that agony.   No amount of pride is worth it.  

I’d rather lay down my pride at the cross and tell Him, over and over, “I’m sorry.   Help my unbelief.   Teach me to do better for Your people today.”   I know, in doing this, I’m adoring a beautiful pearl, the most valuable thing in the world, and one worth more than anything else I could ever desire.  Sound kind of corny?   Kinda first-grade-Sunday-Schoolish?   Naïve?   Only if you say so.  I don’t think of Him that way.   Instead, I think of Him as the most valuable part of my life, and the only reliable armor I can use to shield me from the worst the world has to offer.   Some days, I do a terrible job at being His representative; those are the days I try to go it on my own.   Others, with His help, I do better, and when I do, I realize it’s because He’s that shining, priceless gem of joy.

For more read:  Matthew 13:47

Lord, You are the priceless pearl, worth more than everything else there is.

Published by aspiringwriterdt

It's about's about the life He gives's about going day by's about you. It's not about me.

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